#1 Service Your Cooling Unit:

Have your system serviced by a licensed professional. A good service company will go over your system inside and out checking pressures, all electrical components and connections, (motors, capacitors, contactors, etc.), thermostat, condensate drain, as well as visually inspect to look for any problems. They should inspect the coils and make recommendations for any cleaning and repairs that may be necessary. Regular annual service will not only ensure savings on energy costs but will extend the life of your system. Along with this, change your indoor air filter regularly. Depending on your family and your home some need to be changed more frequently than others.

#2 Thermostat Settings:

Save energy by keeping your thermostat at the highest comfortable setting. If no one is home during the day, increase the setting a few degrees. There’s no need to cool an empty house.

#3 Turn Off Gas Fireplaces:

Reducing the amount of heat entering your home can keep it cooler. If you have a gas fireplace, the pilot light lets off a small amount of heat into the room. Maybe even more than you realize. Turn off the gas to the fireplace and extinguish the pilot light until you need it again in the fall.

#4 Consider Cooking Outside More:

Cook outside to keep your home cooler. Many grills come with a side burner that can be used to cook on while the rest of the meal is being cooked on the grill itself. Besides, grilling for many folks is just plain relaxing and enjoyable.

#5 Add Insulation and/or Attic Fan:

If you can see the joists in the floor of your attic, you need to increase the amount of insulation you have. You will benefit from lower energy costs year-round. An attic fan will help exhaust all the hot air that builds in your attic, so your ac doesn’t have to work so hard.

#6 Curtains, Window Treatments & Weatherstripping

Ever see your family pet laying in the sun that is coming through the window? Even following it from room to room as the sun moves throughout the day? This is because the sunlight coming in heats up the inside of the home. So, if the sun through your windows is a problem hang solar blocking curtains or window treatments. Open and close them as need be and hope that Fido or Fluffy don’t get too mad at you. Also, spring is a great time to check weatherstripping around windows and doors. A lot of air can sneak in this way also.

#7 Add Shade Outside:

Planting trees & shrubs strategically around the outside of your home can help to reduce heat radiation from the roof, walls and pavement while enhancing your home’s curb appeal and your enjoyment of the outside of your home.

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